Well, tomorrow is break-up day and I'm just going to make it. Don't know what it is but I'm really tired this term. It's been a really good term, but it seems long and busy. Looking forward to putting my feet up in front of the TV or with a book or magazine! Staying in my p.j.'s until 11 am and having a sleep in the afternoon - oh sounds so good!
Would like to go away with the hubby too. Not sure if we'll get round to that. Plus it could lead to some conflict as he fancies going to Knysna to stay on a house boat and I'm not so keen on the house boat idea. Give me Knysna any day!
The West Coast in Cape Town is also really lovely. So many little seaside towns to explore and discover! Will have to make more effort to visit places along this route.
That's it for now. Going to drink my Hot Chocolate and finish watching American Idols.
Till next time, "Happiness keeps you sweet and problems keep you strong."
Hello! I had a look at a blog of a friend of mine (thanks Anneliese!) and was curious about this whole blog thing. Thought I'd give it a try. It might be therapeutic to share some thoughts with people across the world - if my thoughts are even that interesting - that is!
I'm enjoying married life. We are looking forward to buying our first house just a bit stressful with the amount of money that is needed. Exciting and stressful times ahead because hubby is facing some career decisions. We will have to go with the flow and see what happens. Will put it out into the cosmos...
Feels like a whole new phase in our lives. Looking at houses... thinking bout when kids come along... (when - still a loooong time if I can help it!). Oh well, I guess that will be it for now. Will see what happens tomorrow and will fill you in later. They are busy prepping the house to be painted. Which means they will be busy the whole time I am at home on holidays. Perfect timing!
Anyway, in the words of John Lennon, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."